Booralite Park is the exclusive dealer for Porta-Grazer in Australia

Aug 19, 2013-- The big truck arrived that morning and Booralite Park became the exclusive dealer of Porta-Grazer™ in Australia. My how time flies!!

A Little about Booralite Park
BOORALITE Park has earned a reputation as a breaking in and pre-training centre of the highest excellence.
Under the guidance of renowned horseman Julien Welsh, Booralite Park is a one-stop destination for thoroughbreds destined for the racetrack.
A who's who of leading trainers are among the long term clients who entrust their valuable horses to be educated at Booralite Park as they embark on what is hoped to be a successful career on the racetrack. They all get the right start.
Dear Walt
We have absolutely no doubt as to the value that Porta-Grazer has provided to our business here at Booralite Park.
1) Hay Savings
I don’t believe we have saved in terms of expenditure with our hay because we definitely feed more hay now we have Porta-Grazers in each box & yard.
Pre-PG we fed out 1 biscuit of hay in the morning and 1 in the evening. We now fill up our PGs every morning with 3 biscuits of hay per horse and often need to top up with a biscuit or 2 each in the afternoon to keep them going overnight. So from 2 biscuits/day we average probably 4 biscuits/day – double the quantity.
Having said that, we no longer feed chaff in our AM & PM hard feeds so that has offset the extra hay costs.
The important point is, although we are feeding more hay, the hay that we are feeding is ALL being eaten, not wasted on the floor.
2) Vet Care
Prior to PGs being utilized – colic cases – average 2-3/month (mild to severe).
Post-PGs — ZERO!!! We don’t spend time walking horses around that are showing signs of colic – this is now a thing of the past.
3) Behaviour
Our horses are mostly 2 and 3 years of age thoroughbreds which we are breaking in or pre-training. The behaviour of these young horses is so obviously more relaxed. We have quiet nights (living above the stables!!) and really all you can hear is munching whereas we would often hear kicking, pawing, banging of feed troughs etc.
There is a general air of calm around the stables and they all have something to do, all day and all night long to relieve their boredom and/or anxiety.
In general we believe our horses are much more calm to handle and if there is something wrong with them we know we don’t have to consider digestive issues as a possibility.
I did mention to you also that we haven’t had a broken fluorescent globe in any of our stable lights since August 2013 either, a result of bored horses playing up in their boxes!
4) Labour Savings in Horse Care
This is very difficult to quantify as far as cleaning the boxes is concerned – what time we save in picking up waste hay is possibly offset with driving the quad bike & hay trailer around and refilling each PG am & pm.
At least we can say that the labour is not a waste of time. At any time of day when our owners decide to pop in for a look, our boxes always look neat, clean and presentable.
Mel O’Hoy
Booralite Park Pty Ltd
Lot 2, 150 Ellett Road
Ph/Fax:(03) 59 426 189
Mob: 0407 187 198