How to Introduce the Porta-Grazer
When you introduce the Porta-Grazer™, you MUST continue to feed as you normally do, and use the Porta-Grazer™ as a secondary source of feed for the first 5-10 days until your horse is accustomed to grazing from the Porta-Grazer™ and is properly rotating the pan.
During the start up phase secure the feeder by one handle so that it sits flat on the ground and cant be tipped over. (secure it approx 4 inches above the handle).
When first introducing the Porta-Grazer™, put only enough hay in so that the entire pan sits down inside the barrel approximately 3 inches below the lip of the barrel. This will help your horse learn how to use the Porta-Grazer™.
When the horse is calmly eating from the Porta-Grazer™, discontinue any other hay sources. (minimum 5-10 days). You can now fill it allowing the pan to come above the lip of the barrel. (Don't over-fill) And you can also untie it at this time.
Attention: To avoid damaging your Porta-Grazer™, the drain plug should be removed and set aside. It is only used when you are actively soaking hay. If used outside this also prevents the feeder from filling up with water if it rains.
How to remove the pan
To remove the XL. Mini or Corner Feeder grazing pan – align the keyhole in the side of the pan with the arrow on the barrel handle.
To remove the Original PG grazing pan- using two hands, simply lift the pan so that one side of the pan comes up thru the barrel opening, then give it a twist as you pull it up and out.
How to load hay
Stand the flake of hay flat against the inside wall of the barrel with the ends of the stems facing up and push downward, rolling the flake over to the bottom of the opposite side creating an arch. repeat steps until feeder is full. Never over fill.. Do not push down on the pan to get it to lock in.. It should drop easily thru the notches and spin freely.
Insert the pan with the hole side down letting it rest on top of the arch of hay. Pull small amounts of hay thru the holes for the first few days.
***If forced to eat from the Porta-Grazer™ when overly hungry, or if not using it properly, the pan will receive excessive wear, cracking and damage.
Directions for using the Porta-Grazer should be followed to insure the best transition from your previous feeding method
Make sure the hay forms an arch at the top with the ends pointing downward as shown below

Once your horse is using the Porta-Grazer as its primary feed source feed enough hay that your horse is not hungry at the next feeding.
*****ATTENTION- if hay has not been eaten and the remaining hay is swirled in a circular fashion or if the pan is being damaged, refer back to the loading instructions on how to arch the hay.
Horses usually eat aggressively because they have been left too long without feed and/or they have stomach ulcers from rationed feeding. If aggressive feeding behaviors continue, contact your veterinarian.
Grazing Feeders Inc