Horses must be fed a basic grass diet and be able to chew and thoroughly salivate their food in order to control their weight. When herd feeding horses they will establish a pecking order with the higher ranking members eating the sugar and leaving the less nutritious food for the others. The result of this behavior will be a variation of body scores and healthiness among the group.

These bright green colored ones are the prototype. They are only sold in biege.
When herd feeding using Porta-Grazer it prevents one horse from eating another horses food or a large portion of the sugar. This assures that each will receive equal value from the feed as well as an ample supply.
Place the Porta-Grazers at least ten feet apart allowing each horse their own space. If the dominant horse moves to an occupied Porta-Grazer the displaced horse calmly goes to the unoccupied Porta-Grazer (nothing gained nothing lost). Removing the competition for food will result in a calm peaceful herd with no wasted hay.

Jeanne Harlan Pickens