I have spent my entire life with horses in the following capacities- rancher, breeder, competitor, farrier, and natural hoof trimmer.
During this time, I have observed numerous problems associated with the way horses are fed in confinement. I realized that most of the problems are caused by what I call the “feast and famine” feeding routine confined horses are subjected to.
Natural grazing usually consumes up to sixteen hours per day of an equines time. So I set out to change this.
The PORTA-GRAZER is designed to replicate as close as possible a natural grazing environment for your confined equines by slowing down feed intake while simulating head down grazing behavior. The result is better physical as well as mental health for the horse.
We also knew it needed to be user-friendly while at the same time safe for the horse with no locks, latches, or hardware to fool with. It is perfect, too, for traveling…no mess, wasted feed, and unsanitary conditions with the PORTA-GRAZER™. My goal is to contribute to better equine health as well as saving money for the owner. Walt Tharp
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