Porta-Grazer™ Videos- How it works, why it works and happy customers
Informative videos showing how and why it works.
Clinician Richard Winters, Clinician Steve Lantvit, and other Porta-Grazer users share their experience.
If you’d like to share YOUR video of your horse(s) using Porta-Grazer™, please send us an email with the link to your video! We would love to share it in our collection!
Please Note- This video is from 2013
The phone number shown in the video is our old one.
Our phone number is 208-315-0373

Porta-Grazer™ Videos
Introduction to the natural grazing system.
Featured on the Horse Show with Rick Lamb
RFDTV series The Horse Show, w/ Rick Lamb
Richard Winters shares his experience using Porta-Grazers
Steve Lantvit explains how efficient the Porta-Grazer is
Steve Lanvit talks about naturally slow feeding
Steve Lantvit Its not feeding time, its REFILLING time
Steve Lantvit talks about the corner feeder model
Steve Lantvit - Traveling with horses made easy
Steve Lantvit- STOPS HAY WASTE
Gypsy Vanners Trelayne and Lace with their Porta Grazers
Blood Donor Horse at University of Minnesota
Hercules is a draft horse blood donor at University of Minne...
Booralite race horse chooses hay in Porta-Grazer over grain
Some Informative Videos on Horse Health from Youtube
Not a gory video, very good watch! THIS is why we strive to feed our horses better!
A Vet shows how to check for signs of ulcers
UC Davis Vet Emily Hagget explains how to recognize and prevent colic in horses
Very informative video on how we feed affects the digestive system.
Brazos Vet talks about some of the causes of gastric ulcers
Digestive system imbalance due to how horses are fed.
Quick video showing the signs of what founder/laminitis looks like.