Porta-Grazer Helps Prevent Sand Colic

When hay is baled the process creates dust, which adheres to the hay and is compressed into the bale.
Therefor when the hay is eaten in large compressed bites or when fed on the ground dust and sand particles are ingested. These particles settle in the digestive tract which can cause a blockage that is usually fatal if not treated immediately.
Colic is the largest cause of premature death in equines.
How does using a Porta-Grazer help?
How does using a Porta-Grazer to prevent sand colic? The pan is designed to lift and hold the bits of hay up to the horse. This allows the horse to size and tear off each bite. Which causes the dust, sand and dirt to be shaken loose and work its way to the bottom of the barrel. There it is collected in a trough out of the horses reach to be discarded later. Little to no feed is dropped to the ground to be contaminated with foreign materials and ingested.
When feeding on the ground sand and dirt particles can be ingested.
Horses do not eat naturally off of the ground, they eat the tops of plants that grow from the ground.